What People Are Saying

“I can't sing enough praises about salads 2 your door. If you are a busy person who doesn't have the time to shop, chop and prepare , but still want healthy and nutritious salads then salads 2 your door is what you NEED!"
— Sarah G

" My doctor was so impressed at my recent check, she asked what I did differently the past few months and the only thing I could think of was signing up to your salads. She asked for your info; she wants to sign up!"
— Sue Ellen
"The salads look so delish! This is the best service EVER!!! I have told lots of my friends about it!"
- Emily W

" The salads are so good. Each one better than the next. I'm so glad I finally decided it was important."
— Jennifer

"Look how skinny I got! I tell everyone! It's because of your salads!"
- I.Y.

"I ate this salad for lunch and it was even more delicious than it looks here, even this beautiful pic doesn't do it justice! Yay me for getting all those vitamins and minerals in me today!"
— Sharon Harris